Chinese evergreen
Aglaonema Cutlass-
Will cope in low light or normal indirect lighting conditions
Keep moist during summer but on the drier side during winter
Likes humidity so mist regularly
In spring and summer feed regularly
Above 16c and avoid drafts
Spider mites, mealy bugs and aphids
About the Chinese evergreen
The Aglaonema Cutlass has beautiful long, variegated green leaves. It originates from the sub tropics and enjoys a humid place in the home which is why it’s a good fit for your bathroom or kitchen but will do well in most of the rooms in your home. I have mine in my living room. It’s good for purifying the air and is easy to care for. It is toxic so keep it away from pets.
Caring for your Chinese evergreen
The Chinese Evergreen or Aglaonema Cutlass to give it its botanical name will cope well in areas with poor lighting or rooms that are well lit.
Like most plants, don't let the Chinese Evergreen become waterlogged otherwise the roots will rot. Keep moist during the summer. Using soil that's mixed with perlite or sand will help with drainage.
The Aglaonema Cutlass enjoys humidity so mist regularly or place on top of a saucer of wet stones being careful not to let the plant sit in water.
Feed during spring and summer months only, once a month should do.
Normal room temperatures will suit the Chinese Evergreen well. Keep it above 16 degrees centigrade and it will do well.
Like all houseplants, it's good to check the leaves regularly for any pests such as aphids or mealy bugs.
First aid for your Chinese evergreen
Common problems
Leaves have turned yellow
This happened to me and it was likely due to watering pattern. Make sure the plant isn't watered too much. Watering once a week should be enough, less during winter. Always press your finger just below the soil surface to check its moisture levels and feel the weight of the pot to see if it's already holding too much moisture. Remove the dying leaves with a sharp knife or secateurs.
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