Here are the plants we found for: floor
Peace Lily
The Spathiphyllum is a great house plant to own as it produces lovely green foliage and white blooms. If you’re looking for an easy plant to care for this one’s for you.
Weeping Fig
The Ficus Benjamina is a beautiful variegated foliage plant that can grow very tall and is excellent at removing toxins from the air.
Dragon tree
The Dracaena Marginata displays beautiful long, thin green leaves that have a dark maroon colour at their edges. An ideal plant for those who don’t have a lot of time to care for their plants as it will suffer neglect and still look good.
Mother in Law’s Tongue
The leaves on this plant are long and sharp – cue the mother-in-law jokes. An easy and versatile plant to care for that will look good on a table, or once you’ve had it a while, will sit nicely on the floor. It’s also great for removing toxins from the air.
Cast Iron plant
The Aspidistra is a very easy plant to care for and pretty hard to kill. It used to be popular in Victorian times as it survived in low light and cold Victorian houses which might be why it earned the name Cast Iron plant. Good for areas with little light.